Rack variable pitch
It can be applied to any clamping bar with an unique mounting kit (supplid on request)
Necessary application for the rapid assembly of the shutters with the continuous variation step, only possible operation with numerical control mortising , which allows to unify the section of the crosspieces.
The rack is provided in two independent elements in order to allow the dual adjustment in the panels (top and bottom), see the balcony door.
Easy to use, no nees to know the size of the step made by mortising, just place the paddles on the end and then turn the key until the same ones are not in the correct position for assembly.
Of course the distribution of reference pins for the slats is made with a decimal precision, so as to ensure a safe and precise assembly.
Maximum travel between pins 5 mm.
* We recommend that in any case for greater speed, a good smoothing ribs done with a machine manufactured by us: chamfering machine mod.SB1
Technical specifications:
- Step: 35/40 39/44 42/47
- N. short racks pins 27 23 22
- N. long racks pins 51 44 43
Technical details
1250x100x20 + 2500x100x20 mm
15 kg
*Shown values may vary depending on the configuration of the machine.
Rack for horizontal clamps
Graduated scale with decimal step indication.

No related machinery.
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